Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari is honoured to represent India at the BRICS film festival, to be held in Durban in July. She shared the happy news on Twitter and wrote, “Human stories hv universal appeal &travel across borders. It’s an honour to be representing our country at the #BRICS 2018 world summit,spreading word of humanity& equality through films.#GharKiMurgi (#TakenforGranted) starring lovely #sakshitanwar is special.Hope it win hearts.”
Her short film Ghar ki Murgi (Taken For Granted), which found its place at Shanghai International Festival, will be showcased at the BRICS film fest and will release in China soon. Ashwiny holds the recognition of being one of the five female directors from BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) to be selected to showcase their respective work during the fest.
In a statement, director Ashwiny said, “I am happy to be a part of BRICS representing our country at a global level. As a filmmaker its important to spread happiness and inspiration through stories. And what other better way than coming together with four other directors to spread the strong message of equality unanimously.
The other four filmmakers are Brazilian director Daniela Thomas, Russian director Elizaveta Stishova, South African filmmaker Sara Blecher and Chinese director Liu Yulin. Ghar ki Murgi was shot in Delhi and features Sakshi Tanwar.
In other news, Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari also got an IIFA in Best Screenplay category for her film Bareiily Ki Barfi. She also shared a picture of the award and wrote, “An @iifa best screenplay for #bareiilyKiBarfi and enthralling live orchestral performance that made the fan in us laugh and cry by our dearest Pritam da and his lovely singers and musicians. Stay blessed with the gift of music. Congratulations @niteshtiwari22 sherry 😀.”
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